• December 24, 2021

Attracting The Energy You Desire

Attracting The Energy You Desire

Attracting The Energy You Desire

Attracting The Energy You Desire 1024 517 Oxigen Editors
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Have you ever wondered why sometimes your desire comes to fruition while other times it fizzles away? If you desire something, there is nothing more important than bringing yourself into the state of desire. Usually when we desire something, what we truly desire is not the object itself but what having it will do for us. Before you can get the object of your desire, you first need to get the energy of desire.

Energy of desire

The energy of desire is what propels us towards our goals. It is the engine that drives us to take action and create the life we want to live. When we are in a state of desire, we are creative, inspired and motivated. We see possibility instead of obstacles.

This energy is also very contagious. When we are around someone who is in a state of desire, it rubs off on us and we get pulled into their energy field. This is why it is so important to be around people who support our desires and help us to stay in this vibration.

Desire Mapping

One of the most powerful ways to connect with desire is through desire mapping, a process where you write down what you desire in every area of your life, including how much money you desire to everything you want to attract in your life. Although desire mapping can seem difficult at first, once you start putting desire energy on the written page, it becomes an unstoppable force.

Attracting the energy of desire on a daily basis will help you overcome procrastination and hesitation. It will also inspire you to take action towards achieving your goals. When you are in a state of desire, you are limitless and can achieve anything.

Creating a desire map

1. Get clear about what it is that you desire.

2. Write down your desires in every area of your life, including how much money you want to attract.

3. Connect with desire energy regularly by reading or writing about your desires, visualizing what it will feel like to have them, and surrounding yourself with people who support your desires. This can include writing notes in your fridge or on a board that you see everyday.

4. Take action towards achieving your goals.

5. Celebrate your accomplishments along the way!

The more you expose yourself to the energy of desire, the more you will magnetize what you desire into your life. Desire is a powerful force that can create miracles when we allow it to. So get into the energy of desire and watch your life transform!

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